Farsi, aka Persian, is the national language of Iran. Note that Iranians typically do not speak Arabic. Here are some of the most common words to get around with
Try these common words to make your visit easier. Remember that phonetic sounds makes a language easier to learn. Pronounce these words phonetically.:
* hello: Salam (sa-lam) or Salamalecom (sa-law-mal-eh-com)
* I: man (as in MANdatory).
* you: to (tow)(informal)(singular, slang)- shoma(formal singular,plural).
* we: maa.
* please: lotfan (lout-fan).
* thank you: tashakor or merci or mamnoon "or" khaelee mamnoon.
* good bye: Khoda-hafez.
* where: Kojaa.
* when: key(kei)(similar to pronounce the letter 'K').
* Why: Chera
* Going: Miri
* Whats Wrong: Chi shod
* Nothing: Hich chi (Hichchi)
* tourist: gardeshgar or tourist(tour-ist).
* friend: doost ("oo" as in good)
* money: pool
* beautiful: ziba(zee-ba)/ Ghashang (pronouncing with Gh)
* smart: bahoosh (baaa-whosh). or zerang
* car: machine (ma-sheen)
* color: rang
* girl: dokhtar (dokh-tar)
* boy: pesar
* dad: pedar
* mom: maadar
* want: meekham (mee-kham)
* I don't know: Nemeedoonam (Nemi- Doonam) or nemifahmam (I don't know what you're saying)
* grandma: maman bozorg
* good: khoob "or" khoobeh
* lady: khanoom (kha-noom)
* guy: Aagha (Âa-gha)
* What: Chi?
* Ok: Khob
* bathroom: hammaam(Ham- maam)
* tree: derakht (de-rakht)
* hospital: beemarestan (bimarestan)
* coca-cola : nooshaabeh "or" nooshedanee (soda)
* fanta: nooshaabeh zard--narenji(this mean is also orange)
* pizza: pit-za
* sandwich : saandeh-vich(read as which)
* water: aab
* help: komak
* hand: dast
* foot: paa
* sport: varzesh
* city: shahr
* country: keshvar
* music: moosighi / moosic
* book: ketaab
* what time is it?: saa`at chande?
* excuse me: bebakhshid
* goodbye: khodaa hafez or khodaa negahdaar
* see you later: ba`dan mibinamet
* dont: nakon
* how: chejoori or chetori
* food: ghazaa
* i love you: Aasheghetam (aash-egh-ett-amm) or man toro doostet daram (Dooset daaram_ common way to say "i love you"_ )
* thing: cheez(read as Cheese)
* bed: takht (taa-kht)
* couch: mobl (mow-bl)
* laugh: khande (khaan-deh)
* oh my: vay (a bit like why but with a V)
* hair: moo
* eye: cheshm
* lips: lab
* stomach: me'deh
* soul: rooh
* sweety: azizam (az -zi-zam)
* my love: eshgheman (esh-ghe-man)
* clothes: lebaas
* play: baazi
* shopping: kharid (khar-eed)
* house:khooneh
* dog: sag
* cat: gorbeh
* fish: maahee
* make up: arayesh(aaraayesh)
* floor: zamin
* talk: harf or sohbat(soh_bat)
* black: siyah
* white:sefeed/sepid
* green: sabz
* red: ghermez
* blue: aabi (aw-bee)
* pink:soorati (soor-atee)
* yellow: zard
* brown: ghahve-ee
* picture: aks
The Source :www.wikihow.com
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