In this post I decided to put some examples of popular language. Popular language is constantly changing, and the best way to keep up-to-date with it is to read popular magazines and watch popular shows etc. in the media
:here are some examples
Air-head = fool, stupid person
Example, air-headed man
A. Ok = good, all in order
Example, as far as I know everything is A. Ok
Back-off = Go away, don’t bother me
Example, are you trying to wind me up? Go away
Ball-game = situation, it’s a different ball game now
Examples, (1) the ball-game is messy and full of danger
(2) Our life got stock into trouble; this is a messy ball-game
Wimp = boring, weak person
Example, the TV shows were so wimp
Up the creek = in trouble
Example, our life is up the creek
Zilch = nothing, what did you buy in the sales? Zilch, everything was still too expensive
Example, did you learned any of the lesson? Zilch, the class was so wimp
Belly-ache = to complain
Examples, (1) the student always belly-ach about the ball-game of the class
(2)I didn’t likes them because they were always belly-ache about my appearance
Big-deal = something
Example, I had car crash last night, but it's no big-deal
Bin-it = throw it away
Example, remember to bin it the trash
Clapped-out = old, worn-out
Example, our clapped-out computer