by Jim Domanski
Here's the simple truth: most tele-sales reps are not good listeners.
It's not their fault: sales reps are taught product knowledge. Reps learn all about features, advantages and benefits. They learn how to present; they learn how to tell, they learn how to pitch. Even those companies that teach questioning skills often fail to teach the rep how to listen to the answers. When a rep asks a question he is often waiting for the customer to stop talking so that they can begin pitching again.
The issue here is lack of training. We have not been taught how to listen. It is an assumed skill. And this is particularly true in tele-sales where you lack the visual contact with the client. Here are seven simple but highly practical AND highly effective ways to improve your listening skills.
The S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Technique for Improved Listening...
1. Stop
The first step to improving your listening skill is to stop everything you are doing and give 100% of your attention to that call. Turn your head and body away from all the antics going on about you. You know what I mean: stop watching the jokers around you. Stop throwing things, gossiping, and goofing around. Dare I say it? Stop eating, stop drinking, and stop doodling, whatever.
In particular, stop multi-tasking. I am amazed to see reps trying to finish one task (like entering the last order or inputting notes on a file) while at the same time trying to focus on the client. You're NOT listening. You are barely tuned in. Something has got to give.
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English Idioms (First Part)
- Calling the roles->> checking student names at classroom.
- Let’s get right to heart of the matter->> lets start our job or our discussion.
- Lets get down to our business->> lets start our job or our discussion.
- Long life friends->> eternal friends
- It’s worth a try->> its good to try
- making up…mind and letting s.b know->> Thinking about and telling it to others.
- Taking everything into consideration->> Thinking about and telling it to others.
- Blow the candle->> act of die, dead
- Don’t get on my nerves->> don’t make me nervous
- Lame excuse->> irrelevant excuse
- Cheero & cheerion->> Bye & have great time
- Mouth watering food->> very delicious meal that u r
interested to eat.
- You are still wet behind ur ears->> u r still child
- Beauty before age->> first child
- The goods have sell by date->> plz don’t bargain
- jot down->> to write down
- Remaining the #1 is more difficult than becoming the #1
- Breaking the Ice->> start the new thing
- Come the lad dish boy->> Come here little boy
- Your behavior lack card board ->> Irrelevant behavior
- What concern 4 me? None of My business
- U r deal 4 me->> U r so venerable 4 me
- Piss s.b off->> teasing s.b->> playing fool s.b->> make fun of s.b
- Cool cat->> Ace boy
- Life of the party->> The Ace girl in party
- Gosh to u->> I hate U
- She is a she->> dressy Girl